Edible Gardens in and around Athens

One Step At A Time

🙂 Fortunately 🙂 there are quite a few possibilities for people who love gardening and harvesting their own food, even in such a big city like Athens.

Just wait till the quarantine is over and you have extra reasons to long for, and inspiration to harvest!

Many of them are based on collective volunteer work, so you can pop by and show interest, and by taking part you can learn tricks that you can apply on your balcony and even harvest and share the food that is growing in front of your eyes! Nature is so majestic!

Here is a picture from early March harvest! Yes you can grow all these in pots!

An example of that is the 2510 roof top vegetable garden collective at the neighborhood of exarcheia, where they meet every Sunday to garden together and take care of the plants. You can have a look at…

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